Tuesday, 9 March 2021


This was a meme I found very cool but not quite right for the brain injured or mentally ill. 

I would put it like this. Nobody can do over 100% for 365 days per year. So the 3770% is exciting but I would put it for our group like this...

(1.0) to the power of 245 days  = 1
And then... I'm as good once as I ever was...
(1.02) to the power of 120 days = 10.7

So you see for brain injured and mentally ill, the 37.7 may bout of reach. But a solid 10.7 on a few given days per year is definitely possible!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Panic Rules of Engagement

We are back Painttosafety.com fans. We have analyzed this covid thing to death and come to some conclusions.

All is well until it's panic time. Panic may be real or imaginary. Mind created or heart attuned, such is the case with intuition.

The problem is we often self-isolate somewhat when things are normal. Work is busy, family time take time and a hobby or two can chew up the rest of it. Does anyone make crochet owls or electric trains anymore??

Anyway here is my Pre-panic rules. Firstly, know that you matter, you count, your heart & soul are written on God's heart and many friends you've met and still have to meet. But if you don't reach out occasionally you'll never know. Secondly, Once you know everyone matters, communication is key, role call; 'I'm okay. We're good. Send more gin.' These are pre-panic skills we all need to work on during covid 19. Finally we have to listen to each other and provide feedback. Listening is a lost art. It really means, I hear you, I see you and I'll prove it with some action - reciprocal communication, an act and yes, sending more gin. Love from us. 

So here we go people...how is everyone and their family on a scale of 1 to 10??
10 being we're good, spiritually, mentally, financially, emotionally and physically. Anything less, add a word or two.


Kurt Killen

Next up...What to do during a panic!