Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Over 2000 ebook downloads in one week
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Ebook launch coming soon AND ITS FREE!!
We are launching our free ebook '66 Career Tips for the Brain injured and Mentally ill, including PTSD' very very soon and we are booyah excited. Please let us know if you would like to be notified when we do.
Here's the cover page!!!
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Covid Economic Blues? Not us so far
It seems the global economy is continuing to shift to online avenues and like lemmings, so are we!
Covid 19 has actually kept us very busy as a painting company. We work alone or in pairs and usually work on exteriors, interior businesses after hours or residential homes when family members are away. We wear gloves to mitigate contact with surfaces and wear our masks whenever there are people outside our cohort around.
We were surprised as anyone at the renovation boom that occurred when Covid hit. As a a small business we were able to keep busy and out of the way of eventually being owned by the government or the bank. For the moment at least.
As well in regards to we have exciting news coming up and will be unveiling the marketing side very shortly with a small campaign. In test marketing we seem to be an anomaly in that we get lots of interest however we did not understand the process behind online sales, like every new online business I suppose.
So we are ensuring we are better positioned to do that so stay tuned. We'll be blogging quite a bit about it and launching next week or the week after.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Let's ask the question is there hope? Please take note of the semi-colon. This is our anti-suicide symbol of a silent fight. Used where a writer with a sentence, chooses to carry on. And we are fighting for our lives here folks.
So my friends, I am both men in the previous picture. Not only me but many, many
more as well. Silently fighting. Carrying on.
Monday, 13 July 2020
Why Us? Triple Bottom Line
Why US? A Triple Bottom Line.
A Triple Bottom Line will soon become standard in business. It means that you are taking care of financial aspects obviously, as well as your social and environmental responsibilities. As a Social Enterprise Inc. is very much working on changing the world. As Painting Contractors in a chemical industry we also aim to use low or no VOC materials. Financially we operate off of a triangle that states to gain income we must increase the capacity of our BioMi students to gain income and they in turn will support us. Socially we are providing a relief valve for Administration to utilize.SOCIAL(serve BioMi, support families),
FINANCIAL(triangle, we earn when BioMi earn),
ENVIRONMENTAL (green products, efficient systems)
To enable individuals with brain issues to become their best selves, corporate citizens and environmental stewards. To support the families of these individuals.
A reduced burden on Administration due to a functioning, responsible and educated BioMi class.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Updates on
Sunday, 31 May 2020
New Product! The Last One we really ever need!
Monday, 27 April 2020
Repost from a repost. Be kind.
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Taking a Break
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
We Get Attention & We're Unique but...
Coronavirus global link
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Transition time to a higher bar
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Jokes for the times...
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Here's the skinny on our progress
Corona Virus & Painting
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Accept the Moment
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Production creates Income
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
Passion drives production
How far should you go in a contract?
When you are a Contractor you need to fulfill the terms of the contract to get paid. To avoid trouble with any legal issues you need to do everything within your power to complete the job inside the terms of that contract. For example it is a good idea to put how many coats of paint and for what price on what areas you are doing the job for. On the flip side you're not obligated to do anything outside or not previously agreed to either. Say you just need to do the contract items first.