Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Over 2000 ebook downloads in one week

Hi Everyone,

We're proud to say that for a nine day stretch we had over 2200 ebook downloads of our free version of "66 Career Tips for the Brain injured or mentally ill'

#solvepains #likenojob #physicalaches #andthen #itsallgood


Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Ebook launch coming soon AND ITS FREE!!

We are launching our free ebook '66 Career Tips for the Brain injured and Mentally ill, including PTSD' very very soon and we are booyah excited. Please let us know if you would like to be notified when we do.

Here's the cover page!!!


FREE Ebook coming soon.



Thursday, 5 November 2020

Covid Economic Blues? Not us so far




It seems the global economy is continuing to shift to online avenues and like lemmings, so are we!

Covid 19 has actually kept us very busy as a painting company. We work alone or in pairs and usually work on exteriors, interior businesses after hours or residential homes when family members are away. We wear gloves to mitigate contact with surfaces and wear our masks whenever there are people outside our cohort around.

We were surprised as anyone at the renovation boom that occurred when Covid hit. As a a small business we were able to keep busy and out of the way of eventually being owned by the government or the bank. For the moment at least.

As well in regards to we have exciting news coming up and will be unveiling the marketing side very shortly with a small campaign. In test marketing we seem to be an anomaly in that we get lots of interest however we did not understand the process behind online sales, like every new online business I suppose.

So we are ensuring we are better positioned to do that so stay tuned. We'll be blogging quite a bit about it and launching next week or the week after.



Tuesday, 14 July 2020

FROM 'The Guide to A Living Wage for the Brain injured or Mentally ill, including PTSD' on our home page  only $22 CAD.

Let's ask the question is there hope? Please take note of the semi-colon. This is our anti-suicide symbol of a silent fight. Used where a writer with a sentence, chooses to carry on. And we are fighting for our lives here folks.

So my friends, I am both men in the previous picture. Not only me but many, many
more as well. Silently fighting. Carrying on.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Why Us? Triple Bottom Line

From our store on our site at

Why US? A Triple Bottom Line. 

A Triple Bottom Line will soon become standard in business. It means that you are taking care of financial aspects obviously, as well as your social and environmental responsibilities. As a Social Enterprise Inc. is very much working on changing the world. As Painting Contractors in a chemical industry we also aim to use low or no VOC materials. Financially we operate off of a triangle that states to gain income we must increase the capacity of our BioMi students to gain income and they in turn will support us. Socially we are providing a relief valve for Administration to utilize.

SOCIAL(serve BioMi, support families),
FINANCIAL(triangle, we earn when BioMi earn),
ENVIRONMENTAL (green products, efficient systems)

To enable individuals with brain issues to become their best selves, corporate citizens and environmental stewards. To support the families of these individuals.

A reduced burden on Administration due to a functioning, responsible and educated BioMi class.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Updates on

What have we been up to at Well 3 main items to be sure. The first of which we posted our flagship product 'The Guide to a Living Wage for Brain injured and Mentally ill. It includes PTSD as well. Going for a staggering $22 cad. Then we felt putting our store in place let's you see everything we offer all in one place. It is mostly populated although most links are not working at present. See the SHOP tab on our main menus. And finally we are working on a second Guide for family/caregivers to help them understand what we provide for their family member. Coming soon. Likely only a few dollars more than the Living Wage Guide, it will break the bank at $37. Anyway glad to be back.

Here's a funny pic we foUnd also...

Sunday, 31 May 2020

New Product! The Last One we really ever need!

We created our new product the Guide to a Living Wage for the Brain injured or Mentally ill. And we include people with PTSD also.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Repost from a repost. Be kind.

Love this.  Those who belittle others because people don’t agree with you are the last people I’d take seriously.  Everyone can feel differently about all of this.  And the fact is no one knows who or what is right.  For every scientist that says one thing you can find 2 that say the opposite. 

As governors/premier’s are trying to figure out how to ease back in to a new normal, please remember:

🛑 Some people don’t agree with the state opening.... that’s okay. Be kind.

🏡 Some people are still planning to stay home.... that’s okay. Be kind.

🦠 Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening....that’s okay. Be kind.

💰 Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes....that’s okay. Be kind.

👩🏾‍⚕️Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off....that’s okay. Be kind.

📝 Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job....that’s okay. Be kind.

😷 Some will wear masks for weeks....that’s okay. Be kind.

💅🏻 Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done.... that’s okay. Be kind.

❤️ The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay. Be kind.

We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind.

If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!

Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.

COPY AND PASTED....from my cousin from someone else.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Taking a Break

Hi Everyone,

The news that the corona virus is accelerating means we have to put our boy Scout and girl Scout caps on. We need to begin thinking of a world with possibly many deaths. 18k so far.

How do we communicate to our children. What services will still be available. How will power shift or be influenced.

On that note I suggest you look at our previous post on painter jokes.

Irony is not lost even in the worst times. Can someone wrangle up a book speaking of the Spanish flu or what occurred in 1918 and the years following in terms of geo politics? Can't hurt to learn.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

We Get Attention & We're Unique but...

It's well and good to have course sales and make our BioMi feel good about themselves. BUT if our painters don't paint, nothing changes in society. Brain injured or Mentally ill will still be underfunded by government. 7x more individuals with brain injuries will be put in prison. Mentally ill will still have high divorce rates. Why? Because they will not be making a living wage and they'll have tough choices to make about basic survival. Our Painters Need to Paint and Earn Income to Change the World.

Coronavirus global link

Saw this yesterday. Have a look at what the dashboard of a global pandemic looks like. A 17yo from Washington State made this, very cool. A+ kid.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Transition time to a higher bar

Since opening we have targeted mainly moderate to low functioning BioMi (Brain injured or Mentally ill). We are now as of this week shifting to target higher functioning individuals. Our target is moderate to high functioning individuals of a BioMi. Higher bar, higher risk.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Jokes for the times...

Painter jokes we got a bunch of 'em. Have a laugh on us!

 Q: What did the painter say to the wall? A: One more crack like that and I'll plaster ya.


 Q: How does Salvador Dali start his mornings? A: With a bowl of "Surreal"


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Here's the skinny on our progress

The skinny on our progress is such that even we are overwhelmed by the great response. We have over 1000 first connections on LinkedIn in mere months. Thank-you - we are blogging furiously. We also contacted non-profits in our city.

Results - 1 client  of many yet to come. We heard you loud and clear. 'We need experience before jump in with a startup.' We also heard what a huge need there is for serving high-functioning and moderate brain injured or mentally ill.

These individuals may have assets, estates, families and children to protect and work for but are struggling maintaining previous skill sets.

Send 'em our way! 

Corona Virus & Painting

It's interesting that painters wear rubber gloves and do not worry about corona virus. We also can work alone or in small groups. Our risk is then greatly lowered. Work away painters no sick days for you!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Accept the Moment

Even if you don't believe in God, exactly what constitutes the making of one entire moment in any single person's life is quite amazing. To think in my case that God went to all the trouble to even think of us and create life as well as moment after beautiful moment is astounding. The suffering also has purpose and reason if you can listen and learn. DiK (Digital Kurt) disagrees.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Production creates Income

Last blog we said passion or a trained drive produces income. There are many variables involved, we teach them all over time. Essentially you can expect $200 - $500 per day depending on all these factors. This doesn't translate into yearly income because you never know how much you can work if you are a BioMi. But this gives you an idea of a trained, process driven Painter.


Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Passion drives production

An Engineer or Architect specify how long a project should take. A 3 man production painting crew averages about 1000 square feet of space per day. That's 334sf or 2.8 rooms per person. We strive for 2 - 2.4 rooms per day for our skilled painters. At $1.50sf that's $360 - $432 per day including material.

How far should you go in a contract?

When you are a Contractor you need to fulfill the terms of the contract to get paid. To avoid trouble with any legal issues you need to do everything within your power to complete the job inside the terms of that contract. For example it is a good idea to put how many coats of paint and for what price on what areas you are doing the job for. On the flip side you're not obligated to do anything outside or not previously agreed to either. Say you just need to do the contract items first.


Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Why Our Social Media is So Important

Social media allows us to maintain relationships over time. We want you to hear about our first wins. Individuals on their back financially due to brain injury or mental illness - We're their solution.